At this point in our series you should understand what credit is, what it is used for, how to view and understand your credit report, and the types of behaviors that might be hurting your credit. You should also be aware of how banks, lenders, and credit agencies see and judge your credit history. In addition, hopefully you have an idea as to what your credit rating is: bad, fair, good, or excellent. If any of those topics sounds unfamiliar, stop right now and go back to the beginning of our guide.
In this section, we’re going to be talking all about what to do if you have bad credit, little to no credit, or if you just want to give yourself a nice boost before you apply for a loan. If you’re confused as to what specifics are holding you back or you feel like you’ve got it under control, but your credit score is still just not where you want it to be, we can help. We’ll give you all the tools necessary to make a strategic credit repair plan, and reap the benefits of an improved score.