If you are serious about credit repair, you will likely need one or more of the following letter templates. We’ve provided both HTML for copying and links to Word documents for your convenience. Remember to customize the letters, as these are just starting points. Use these templates in conjunction with our credit score resource center and our credit repair guide for best results. You will likely need more than one template for a given situation. For example, you may need a debt validation letter as well as a cease and desist letter if you are disputing an unpaid debt.
Table of Contents
Credit Repair Letter Templates: Letters to Send to the Credit Bureaus
Credit Inquiry Removal Letter Template
Use this letter template if you need to dispute a hard inquiry on your credit report. This can be used for inquiries that show up in error, forcing a bureau to prove it was authorized and legitimate, or inquiries that were due to fraud/stolen identity.
Credit Report Dispute Letter Template
This letter is for basic disputes for entries on your credit report. Use this letter if you believe an entry contains incorrect information, or is erroneously on your report.
Follow Up Letter Template
If a credit bureau does not respond to your credit dispute letter — or any other letters you might send — use this template to follow up with them.
Collections Letter Templates: Letters to Send to Debt Collectors
Cease and Desist Letter Template
Are debt collectors calling you day and night to get you to pay? A cease and desist letter can stop them. Use this template to get some breathing room from persistent collectors.
Debt Validation Letter Template
In order for a debt to appear on your credit report, it needs to have correct information and be a legitimate debt. If either of these are not true, use this debt validation letter template to remove the entry. Act fast, though, as you only have 30 days to send a letter to collections after being notified of your debt. If the debt cannot be validated, you may be able to dispute the entry on your credit report with the bureaus.
Financial Hardship Letter Template
Financial hardships can strike anyone at any time. If you are applying for a short sale or loan modification, you’ll be asked what your hardship is in order to qualify. Use this letter template to explain your financial situation, and why you can’t pay.
Goodwill Letter Template
Also called a forgiveness letter, a goodwill letter is used for admitting a mistake in missing a loan payment and appealing to your creditor’s charitable side. While less likely to work than a pay for delete negotiation, it’s also free.
Pay for Delete Letter Template
It’s possible to negotiate with collections agencies to pay part of an unpaid debt in exchange for removal of the entry from your credit report. Use this template to open a conversation with your debt collector before contacting the credit bureaus to have the delinquent account removed from your credit reports.
Repossession Dispute Letter Template
If a repossession entry on your credit report is hampering your ability to get a new car loan, or is hurting your credit score, you may be able to dispute the entry. Much like a debt validation letter, use this letter template to dispute correct information with the collections agency after your car is repossessed. Depending on the outcome, you may then be able to dispute the erroneous item on your credit report.
Professional Credit Repair
While it’s entirely possible to customize these letter templates yourself and deal with the credit bureaus or debt collectors — or both — it can also be a hassle. You have timelines to keep in mind on top of negotiating or simply asking for forgiveness. If you would rather have someone with experience write the letters for you, giving you the best chance of a positive outcome, consider hiring a credit repair company to do the hard work for you. Creditrepair.com is a reputable company who offers FREE credit report summaries, credit score checks, and consultation.